*Closed Competition*
Would you like to be the model for one of my dark fairy drawings?
Since it's Halloween today and we are getting closer and closer to the dark winter time I thought it would be nice to do a drawing in the spirit of the 'dark' time to come.
I thought it was about time for a new send-in-your-photo contest.
Please read the rules carefully before submitting your photo.
-Your photo must be related to the concept.
When choosing which photo to send in please try to keep in mind it is for a dark themed drawing. A happy smiling photo is not what I am looking for.
-Your photo must show more than just your face. Bodyshots and half body shots are perfect.
-Your photo should be at least 100 kb and max 1000 kb(or else it takes forever to load in my email).
-Don't send small webcam and phone shots, they are simply not in a good enough quality to use in a drawing.
-Both males and females are welcome. I would love to see couple photos as well, as long as they stick to the theme.
Please notice: I won't post the entries on my site this time and I can't reply to your emails, due to lack of time. You can be sure I will go through them all though you won't get a reply.
Only the winning photo will be shown on my site.
Send your photos to zindy@zone.dk with the subject Dark Fairy Contest.
1st of December 2007
I look forward to your entries, hope to see a lot of creative ones :)
As I wrote earlier I have decided on the winner, the winner is Debbie with this photo.
I like her outfit, look in her eyes, her beautiful hair and overall expression. It's perfect for a dark fairy drawing. Hopefully I will get around completing it soon.
I actually received a lot of really good ones, which I might use later on as well.
The drawing in progress:

*Closed Competition*

Autumn Competition
It's now officially autumn here in Denmark. Though I normally love spring and summer time the most, I really embrace autumn this year. Our summer hasn't been great this year. It's been rather grey and the days we actually had sun it was such a heavy heat that made your head hurt. The past days has been filled with rain and fresh air and I have enjoyed it very much. It's also the best time of the year to run, it's such a great feeling. I feel very inspired and I can't wait for the autumn colours to appear in the nature.
With that I've decided to do a new drawing competition which gives you the opportunity to be creative again. It's simply a drawing competition with the theme of 'Autumn'.
-You may do traditionally artwork - with pencils, coal, colours, ink, paint and more.
-You may do a digital artwork(photomanipulation and more).
- Your artwork cannot contain porn -nakedness in a decent form is welcomed though.
-You can do it in colour or black and white, as you wish, but I suppose it will be more autumn like if made in colours, but it's up to you.
Note: Pure non-edited photos I will not submit, it has to be changed in a creative way, not just a minor change.
- Please write your name, title of your artwork as well as a little description.
-Please submit your artwork as either .jpg or .gif., preferly at a size around 500 kb max.
You win:
I will give away a signed print, size 21x29cm/8x11”. You can choose any of the drawings available as prints at my PrintShop.
I will choose the winner based on the artwork with the most autumn feel. It doesn't have to be technically good, just be creative and do what you feel like.
Send your artwork to zindy@zone.dk, with 'Autumn Competition' as the subject.
Please read the rules before submitting.
Note: Your submitted artwork must be made specifically for this competition, so please don't just submit something old you've already done.
You must submit your artwork before October 14th.
Everything submitted will be posted here as I receive them.
Happy drawing and be creative. I very much look forward to your entries.

It was a little diffiult for me to decide the winner. There were really many good ones and creative ones. I have a few favourites among them all.
Zöe's Harmony is deep and pretty, Autumn in Progress by Marit was very original I think and such nice autumn colours. The beautiful colours of Autumn by Aylin was very elegant, Colours of Autumn by Renu very colourful and dreamy and Moose with a leaf by Paulina just super cute :)
Just to mention a few, there were a lot of great entries.
However, my most favourite has to be Autumn's Fairytales by Pauline. I am not sure what it is about it. It has this amazing life. Those strong colours and the redish hair really adds a strong mood and a great atmosphere along with her little story. There's something beautiful and sweet about the sisters. That is why I choose this drawing as the winner.

Autumn by Ilona
Leaves are changing
Fall is near
Birds are flying
Far from here
The time is coming
Just around the bend
Another summer
Has come to an end... |
Autumn by Robin Mcquay
Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I live in a beautiful place with lots of trees so watching the leaves change colors is always wonderful. I also just love how its not too hot or too cold out, just perfect. It's just a great time to relax and enjoy life. Thats kind of what this painting represents to me, just relaxing and enjoying watching the weather change. And I've always wanted to live in a place that was on top of a big hill with one beautiful tree to sit next to and overlook a beautiful view. |
Autumn Beauty by Jennette Cox
This artwork has several different images of autumn. Autumn/fall is my favorite season of the year. It holds my favorite holiday/event, Halloween, and I love the beautiful colors is has to offer. I made this artwork using Adobe Photoshop, using techniques that I had been taught over 2 years ago. Amazingly I was still able to remember them. |
Children Will Listen by Christopher Brazell
.I was watching "Into the wood" a broadway musical. Then I heard the song "Children Will Listen" It made me think how the seasons can talk to us as a child. The wonderful times kids play in the leaves, the pumpkins. thanksgiving. Some kids will just listen to the winds, the trees and the leaves. A artwork about Children who listen before they grow up.
Autumn Fairy by Meara Buehne
A fairy girl enjoying the Fall colors.
Texture by: http://darkrose42-stock.deviantart.com/
Model from: http://lisajen-stock.deviantart.com/
Butterfly wings from: http://nighty-stock.deviantart.com/
background trees from: http://tkrain-stock.deviantart.com/
sky from me :)
Enjoying Autumn by Mariann
Zindy wrote:
"The past days has been filled with rain and fresh air and I have enjoyed it very much.
It's also the best time of the year to run, it's such a great feeling.
I feel very inspired and I can't wait for the autumn colours to appear in the nature."
- and I finally got my inspiration. I had been looking for it for a couple of weeks actually. And I really find autumn beautiful.
But as Zindy said, the colors is still waiting to show up. Yesterday when I woke up, my room was filled with this clear, strong
air, and I felt the autumn creeping in through the gap of my window. And there it was.
I feel autumn is just as much how it makes you feel, because of the colors and smells, as it is a time of year that brings
you closer to winter. For me - autumn is the very best time. And I love all the great inspiration theese months will bring.
The feeling of joy - and of beeing alive.
Horn of plenty by Tiffany Trujillo
This one I did for the competition. I was inspired by the traditional horn of plenty. I love the fall colors. This picture reminds me of the turning leaves of Fall. |
Autumn Lady by Victoria
I like the feeling of resting that's coming to mind when I see this drawing. It's almost like dreaming on the bead of leafs. Very relaxing. It was done a while ago mostly as a practice. Coal sticks and kneaded eraser. |
An Autumn Day
Pumpkins in the Garden gold among the brown
Leaves of orange and red, slowly falling down.
Time for birds to fly south and it's a lovely time to play,
and nothing can be as pleasant as
An Autumn Day
Media = Mechanical pencil for the rough sketch, Copic Multi-liners & Markers + colored pencils for the final product. |
Harmony by Zoë Vincent
Instead of using the traditional Autumn symbolisms, such as autumn leaves, and bonfires, I decided to do a more up-to-date autumn. Global Warming has really messed around our seasons, and since it is now officially Autumn it is sunnier and warmer than Summer. So here is Autumn 2007, with brown leaves, and a bruised Mother Nature. |
Autumn Rose by Laura Semeniuk
Autumn Rose - This is a mixture of ink and heavy watercolour. I loved the idea of the last summer rose surrounded by autumn leaves. Also, the rose being white represents the coming of the winter snow. I really enjoyed splattering the paint at the end. |
Autumn girl by Debbie
I Love Autumn, not only is it the time of the year where it cools down and fresh air breathes through the window every morning, it's colors are the most beautiful sight anyone can see. I always love to lie in the grass and enjoy the fresh air, and the leaves fall in my hair and all around me. Autumn stands out from Everything else. |
The beautiful colors of autumn by Aylin Wollnik
I love all the diffrent colors of the leaves and when i looking out of my window i watching all the trees and it´s so relaxing=) I love this time of year,because this time have something special to me and that it was the eyes of Angelina Jolie wanna say=) |
Dark Autumn by Kirstie Brennan
I took this photo on my visit to the USA. I spent hours in photo shop playing around with it but think I finally got the right feel to it. Iv'e called it Dark Autumn even though I originally took the photo during the day, it didn't have the right feel. |
Fall Goddess by Kayla Datzman.
I used PrismaColor colored pencils and my imagination. I love fall, it is deffinately my favorite time of the year. Everything is beautiful. My drawing represents [in a way a sort of mother nature,but not fully] the Fall Goddess enjoying her time with her true made beauty in nature. She feels pure in her surroundings and is overwhelmed by the simple joys she recieves. She has stirred up the winds so she can smell the sweet air in which Fall brings. The way she turns into a cracking site at the bottom, represents how the leaves are cracked during fall. =] I hope you and all the viewers of your site enjoy!! |
Autumn in Progress by Marit van Rijn
As Autumn is my favourite season, I really want to submit a drawing. It represents two elves, or fairies if you like, who are making preparations for the Autumn. I am a huge fan of the artworks of Cicely Mary Barker and I tried to make something in her tradition. I know it's by far not as good as hers but I had much fun with composing and imagining the figures and picking colours. I've started this drawing when the Autumn was on its way, but as i'm kinda slow Autumn has already arrived ;)
I used watercolours/aqaurels, which are new to me, so it's probably not my best work. Still I'm happy with it so I thought I had to submit it anyway. The line surrounding the drawings are gold in reallife, but of course my scanner won't take it.:(
Its Fall once more by Gabriela B.
Description: During fall everything is starting to fade away, but before it does, it goes out with a fire. Beautiful colours and smells, and happiness all around. This time of year really is invigorating, its a great time of year to think everything over. So I chose to do black and white to symbolize the fading away, but the rest is very bright and happy.
I don't know how to describe it but I'll try, I thought of a girl who was free of any worries and if you pay attention you'll realize that her wings are actually leaves.
The autumn kiss by Mariska
I love the autumn and my boyfriend. You can enjoy well the autumn
that it comes. Of course you can go to the beach in Scheveningen
for instance, and there delightfully your hairs your boyfriend let it near!
Also the autumn-holiday comes it again on! And that becomes enjoy
going out the days! And many your own boy see |
Colors of autumn by Renu Sharma
This is a drawing which i've done for Zindy's contest. It is very special to me for a few reasons. 1st, this is my first try at colors so & actually the colors i have used were gifted to me by my cousin who is just 12. He gift wrapped the colors and gifted them to me which was so cute at his part, i couldn't help smiling.
About the drawing, where i m, autumn is not the same as in other places but this time is very special to me, cuz in this season, i start feeling very strange...full of expectations, joy, sadness. We have festive season here in India around this time with all our major festivals and i have my birthday in October too. This drawing is done using a reference which was difficult to find to portray the right autumn mood which i wanted. IT portrays peace & colors and joy which is very seldom seen in my drawings. Also, the end date of the competition is my birthday. Thanks to Zindy i tried something different than my usual dark black & white stuff. I hope you all like it. :)
Leaf Diving by Christa McMillen
Description: I was thinking of Autumn for this competition, and the only thing that kept repeating through my head was playing in the leaves in my backyard as a kid. It's the best part of Autumn. :)
Queen of Autumn by Therese
This painting depicts a girl who is one with autumn, the autumn is here and the autumn is her...
I have made it with pastel. I made her look like an elemental-creature of autumn by making her wear nothing but leaves on her chest, making her hair intertwine with the leaves and colouring her in different shades of brown only. She is a genuine part of nature, untouched by mankind. |
Autumn Joy by Patricia Bird
This pencil drawing is of my youngest daughter when she was 4 years old, the year before my oldest son died of cancer. It was a lovely autumn day and we were all happy. I started it last week, even though I am not done I wanted to enter it. |
The flower of Autumn by Sarah Hall
I tried to use the mixture of a person and bright colours to create the autumn feel. The words around the edge are lyrics from the song that i based the design on to help me. Digitally edited in photoshop CS2. |
Autumn by Hilde
This is my painting of autumn.
It's a tree with liefs painted with acrylics
Apple Orchard by Ashley
Autumn is my favorite season and I enjoy drawing every thing possible I see during the season. Ever since I saw a single red leaf, I have been wanting to go to a apple orchard. Thats what this picture is of. The nearest apple orchard to me has a huge tree, and it always has hay stacks near it for people to sit on. I put a pumpkin there because pumpkin carving is one of my favorite things to do for halloween, my favorite holiday. This was done in mechanical pencil during free time in school. cropped and edited in HP image zone. |
Autumn's Fairytales by Pauline
I did this drawing because I think that, especially in Autumn, you can find in every “tapis de feuilles” (I don’t find the equivalent in english :) perhaps, “heap of sheets”), small fairies dancing inside. A lot of small and coloured fairies which gives you joy and a promise that winter will gives you a lot of hope. Autum is like the season of fairies’s fairytales, and I love this atmosphere. My drawing is based on a picture of one of my friend and her twin sister. I just want to tell you that a lot of my friends said to me that they thought that the girls were not sisters. They said that they felt a lot of sensuality in my drawing...I don’t know, perhaps ^^ I just wanted to show that in Autumn you can find love, like in the fairytales. |
Moose with a leaf by Paulina
Description: Just feel happy drawing it. Moose- my favourite animal living in cold country it's perfect for this competition. I used oil pastels, but background is from photoshop.
A beautiful day by Lisa
Usually I am a little sad when summer is over and the days are rainy and cold again. I really miss the sunshine and carefreeness that seems to be present everywhere in summer then. But at the same time I welcome fall because of the beautiful colours and the cosiness it brings with it. This ambivalence is what I wanted my drawing to represent! |
*Competition Closed *

It’s spring and summertime and it's time for a new competition.
This one is a little different. This is about you being creative with your very own thoughts and ideas.
The theme of this competition is ‘Happiness’.
What is happiness to you? What makes you happy, what makes you smile?
Most of the time it’s the small and simple things that makes you happy. The idea is simply to portray this feeling in the form you feel like.

-You can do traditionally artwork, with pencils, coal, colours, ink etc.
-You can also do a digital artwork.
-Pure non-edited photos I will not submit
Please write your name, title of your artwork as well as a little description.
Anything is welcomed, as long as it's creative, has happiness and joy as the theme.
It cannot contain porn, nakedness in a decent form is welcomed though.
All submitted pictures will be added as I receive them.

I will give away a signed print, size 21x29cm/8x11”. You can choose any of the drawings available at the PrintShop.
In addition to that I will put in some great Danish candy as well.

The deadline is August 1st 2007.
So.. get started, happy drawing and keep smiling :)
The Winner:
The moment I saw Happy for the moment made by Rosa I smiled. It's very cute and original and has a sweet happiness to it. That's the reason I chose her.
There were a lot of very nice and original artwork and I'm glad so many of you decided to take part. I hope you all liked drawing for this competition. I really liked your little descriptions, some of them were very touching...
Congratulation Rosa. You can choose a print from my Printshop here, and I will find some really good candy for you to send along :)

Keep Smiling you all!:)

Me and Peebles by Johanna
Me and the greatest joy in my life...my chihuahua Pebbles. She is my life and I love her so much. |
Happiness by Mariline
The little things by Danielle
Even though you are going through a rough time in you life, it's the little things that matters the most.
The little things that makes you day, those that gives you butterflies in you stomach.
Like when your crush flirts with you, or when you receive a warm surprise, something you might have been waiting for and finally there you have it.
It is the little things that makes your emotions bubble like a shaken soda - giving you a lump of joy stuck in you throat and you can't help but to smile.
That is what I consider true happiness. Because then in your own darkness, your smile will shine through- and life is still worth living!
Happy for the moment by Rosa
When I read the first time about this competiton I didn't think about taking part in this one. I liked the subject of this competition, but i had no idea for it. Some days after I was in a bad mood, because I had to think about a lot of problems we have in our family at the moment and it was raining all day. So I took my violin and played some of my favourite songs and for these moments I was happy and I didn't have to think about all these tragic and confusing things and that's how I came to draw this picture. |
Smile by Juliette
My friend Sarah with chewing gum ;-) |
Happiness with Friends by Mariska
I always happy of my friends, they there are become always for me. And I want to have it always for their as they me necessarily. A few special friends have I here on the design. An of that is me cousin, but really also again a friend! I love my friends and I will always for their be ready when they me necessarily have! |
Big Smile by Alex
:) ...laugh and everybody laughs with you... |
Sisters by Miri
t is very easy to say what makes me most happy in my life! it is my sister yasemin! we are a good team and she is a beautiful girl. i love her character and her humor! and it is the best thing in the world for me to joke around with her, as you can see on all the pictures. |
Jumping for Joy by Anne Juliet Murphy
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." |
Happiness is... by Katie
Description: its true that its the simplest things that make you happy, and i believe that just the knowlege that you are loved, by someone, in some way, and needed by someone, somewhere is the best kind of happy you can be.
I hope my drawing illustrates this! |
Me and my Big Sister by Brigitte
I chose this drawing to be a happy moment cause even when we fight or annoy each other till we wanna chew each others' heads off =P we still love each other like in the picture =) |
Mommy's Angel by Tori
My Daughter, Isabel, and Myself...She Is My World, My Everything...She Brings Me So Much Joy! |
Woman and her baby by Meara Buehne
No woman is ever happier then when she is with her child. ;) |
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Smile by Aliz
Everyone should love smiling face. When someone smiles at me, I'll smile back automatically.
This is what happiness meant to me.
Here are lots of smiling faces and I hope that you'd smile back like I do=)
All the things that makes me happy by Linda
I wanted to make something that could show how important
family, friends and some other things mean to me in my life
to be happy.
Look good, and see how beautiful our world is.
Look good, and see the world whit your great family and friends.
Look good, and see what the sun brings on a sunny day.
Looking good? then your life is great whit only these few things! |
Make your wish by Lore
Altough there are many other moments when you`re happy, I`ve choosed birthday. As we all know, there`s no birthday without joy and happiness. The moment when you blow off the candles and make your wish, has a mystic significance for those who believe and in some countries, the tradition says that in this moment, fate decides your future. I believe in fate, but I`m not always sure of it, what I`m always sure about, is that you can change your future and that… within the blow of a candle. |
Forever Friends by Bianca
I've made a drawing (coal) of one of my best friends; Nienke. We've been friends since we were 11.
We have had our good times and bad times (like when another friend of our died), but you have to keep
the good things in your mind and smile, even when your heart is crying. |
Happiness to me by Kida
The 3 butterflies represent my husband and 2 children, Her hair is suppost to appear as alomst alive representing the joy of life it's self, and the ribbon like smoke swirling around her representing the fact that just thinking of everything that makes me happy is dizzying. I hope you like it ^_^ |
My unintended by Maya
It may look sad at first sight, but for me it's very symbolic. This is a portrait of me and my boyfriend, who makes me smile every time I look at him, and gives me as much happiness as I need.My soft smile on drawing shows everything , I guess, even if I can't draw so well ;) |
Running with happieness! by Sara Frassetto
This was a picture taken by my friend while me and my friend Marilyn were jumping and kiking our heals together. Just looking at this picture really shows how happy friends are when together. Just looking at it can make you laugh. I edited it with photoshop and adobe :) |
Putty Putt by Jessica Bohlken
Putt Putt golf is one of the funnest things to do whether it is with family or friends. It doesn't matter if you win, it is about being with your friends and family, playing a fun game together. Putt Putt brings me back to when I was little, when I had no cares and I was genuinely happy. |
We are all happy, because we have each other by Jane
what makes me happy ?? easy question ...nothing material ..
but something very important in our lives ..it's friendship..and friends..
I am in the middle ..and all my closest friends ..who are making me happy, are around me I'm glad that they came into my life.
they change my life ..they make me better person...happier person;) |
Eternal Love by Robin Mcquay
This is a drawing of me and my husband. I think anyone who's been in love knows how happy it can make you. I honestly never knew what happiness what til I met him. Just knowing he's in my life makes me happy everday, to have someone to share everything with, good and bad. |
Happy Cat by Marit van Rijn
Cats are absolutely the most wonderful creatures I've ever seen. They resemble everything altogether: intelligence, cosiness, strong and beautiful but they're also feeble, independent and sometimes they have very sharp nails...I couldn't imagine living without cats, as I always have had them as pets. Not too long ago my sweet cat died and I thought I would never ever take a new one: this was already the third one who was hit by a car. Nevertheless, I felt there was something missing and now I've a kitten. I simply can't miss the presence of something which can gives so much love and brings so much happiness. Oh I know it's not always perfect and that there are many other animals to have as a pet. I, for instance also love dogs. However, I think there is just a tiny difference that makes a cat so special: his or her self-conceit. Like I always say: dogs have owners, cats have staff |
Inspirations by Marit van Rijn
One thing that really makes me happy is the feeling of inspiration. When you've got all of the sudden an extremely powerfull glow, that makes you want to draw the image that popped in your mind immediately. No matter what causes it, a beautiful song, a picture or just your imagination, it is one of the best emotions I know. That's what I tried to tell with this drawing: once you have something in mind and you want to get it on paper, you grab the first paper you see, in this case a bit dodgy/crumbled lined A4, run to your desk or another favourite place to draw and go for it. Everything has a begin, every artist has to sketch their first outlines, so I decided I would write the word Inspired, but instead of a finished word the pencil isn't done yet: the last letters has to be finished. The little doodle is because doodling is a perfect stimulus for your imagination, at least for me. The butterflies, flying away from the last letter of inspiration stand for the 'coming to life-stage' of the drawing. Although they have been drawn, already one is full-coloured flying away from the paper, only a little piece of his wing isn't done yet. I hope this drawing makes you understand the image and feeling inspiration gives to me.
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Emily and Sara by Laura
My daughters are the definition of happiness for me. They make every day worth living. They each have a laugh and smile that springs tears of joy to my eyes. Life seems to have more color now that they are in it. |
Happiness of life by Britney
description: i drew this a few weeks ago, because i was in a happy mood, so i decided to just draw and express my feelings....and it is a drawing of myself...or an "attempt". |
Embrace of the Angel of Life by Pauline
For me, joy, it is to feel alive, and the moment when I feel the most alive, it is when a person who I love, hold me in the arms. I think that there is nothing more magic in the world. I tried to draw this feeling, with the Angel of Life who embraces us. I wanted a lot of shadow, and "smoke" on my drawing to illustrate this sensation that the life is a shadow which take form to embrace us, to bring us hapiness and love. |
Me Again by Morgan Addie
11x14 self portrait in pencil, I was bored and drawing was the only thing that made me happy at the time, it's something I really enjoy
My name is Michele Ann, I'm from milton keynes in the uk. Thought I would try my luck and enter a drawing I did of my beautiful daughter Darcey Mai, even when its raining she make the sun shine! |
Facination by Vicki
this makes me happy when i look at it because of how content she seems just sitting there she seems to be looking at something, who knows what though..
but with such a smile on her face almost swept with facination as she stares with entrancement. |
Shining Butterflies by Debra Smith
I love it when i see people smile.It's the best feeling anyone can ever have. Happiness, Passion, and Love are all things to smile for. I've always had a passion for fantasy, and butterflies. They make me smile. |
My Myer by Tricia
Everyone searches for happiness. I believe true happiness is when your soul is content. I have only found this through my son Myer. I know you hear it everyday, how wonderful someone's child is. But to me, he is much more than wonderful. Not only does he exert endless joy to everyone by his sweet spirit but he continually brings imagination and innocence back to my life. Although I have dabbled with painting, this is my first pencil drawing. I have never been interested in it before until I came upon your website and saw the beauty in some of your drawings. I hope that everyone finds this contentment within their soul that i have found through my son's life. |
Remind Love by Vanessa
The pain that one feels when someone goes away, and there isn't any more remedy that only to remind |
Happiness that Completes Her by Aaron
A few weeks ago I tried to practice with proportion on a piece of paper when i saw a girl's face on a magazine. later, i added a body and wings to give it a simple angelic touch. the wings represent light-heartedness. her incompleted self signifies that happiness will complete and fill her wholely as she live through life, as she is young in inexperienced. her youthful being represents innocent happiness. |
Elizabeth by Jessica Freeland
When the dismiss of a grandmother brings pain the beauty in the face of a angel born 2 months latter is what happiness and love is about. That face makes u know it's going to be alright.True happiness lies in the face of our children when there are no worries only love in it's place.
Happiness Knowing... Kayla
Discription: My Portrait is supposed to show that happiness can be found even where you least expect it. The girl represents the sad feeling the thing that turns into a happy feeling, the one bright happy cloud in the sea of dark shows that she has the strength to turn the sad feeling into a good one, she can spread her wings and fly. This inturn shows that nomatter how she feels she can make it happy because she knows that god like the cloud or happy feeling can always be found, even where you least expect it. |
Little Smile by Dania
Sometimes it's just a little discreet smile on the face of a good friend, to make you stop
crying and start to be happy again.
Sometimes it's just a little discreet smile on the face of a good friend, to make you laugh. =) |
Little things by Mimi Nasteva
Well , this drawing(a little bit surrealistic ) is made with ink and it expresses my view for happiness - it's impressed by a thing that happened to me when i was 7 years old - I found a little bird that was ill and wraped its wing , after a week the bird was already safe and sound and that was the moment I felt the biggest happiness ever- when I let her go to the sky . However I've never seen her again , but I feel very happy because isn't it the greatest happiness to make the orther feel free and happy,(no matter people, animals or even flowers) without exepting anything |
Happiness by David
I tried to draw the feeling itself, I hope you can understand it. Happiness can also be confused with Love. Love without Life would be nothing. Consequently, Life without Love would be even more nothing.
In the image there are two lost hearts swimming in an endless current of love. All around them is Love. Its really seen as Happiness: no troubles, no sorrow, no pain - we would say - just Joy and Happiness. Two hearts - people - living under the effect of Love all the time, probably? in love with life, with those tiny little nothings which actually mean something to us. On the other hand, the image could be the exact feeling we experience inside at the moment when we are happy. Maybe instead of butterflies in your stomach, could it be 'hearts swimming all around your body'? with beautiful colours and, of course, lots of unknown emotions. |
Happiness by Lauren
I drew this piece with mechanical pencil and charcoal. I've suffered with manic depression for several years and finally met someone who gave me something I had never had. Happiness to me is a peace with yourself and your soul. I've always used art as a way to bring out that peace and happiness that was so hard to find. My name is Lauren, this is a portrait I drew of myself and the man who gave me a new reason to live and true happiness. Done with mechanical pencil graphite and charcoal. |
Happiness by Keity
Thats my cousins son Gustave and he always makes me laugh,even if I feel sad and lonely.
Happiness is one part of your life.Sometimes you feel happier than ever.Happiness can come with little things,like a sunshine that shines on me . Happiness is inside of me and comes out of my soul whenever I feel like smiling. .If you are happy then everybody else are happy.Im happy when I know that things go right and I can make other people laugh and I can enjoy everything around me .Happiness gives strength and helps us to live our lives.Be happy and make others happy too. |
Happiness by Anne
I have an old drawing that I really like,
it's from my cousin and nephew
They are really happy and busy all the time, sometime it starts to be annoying .. but I really love them. and they always smile! so as on this drawing.. they make me really happy when they are around! |
With Love by Tanja Bosse
This drawing is really special for me, because I drew it with much love for my boyfriend.
It showes me, drawed with coal and a red rose. This red rose is a symbol of my love to him. I think that showing this big love in the drawing is very important, so I wanted, that the red colour is in the foreground of it. Because of that I made the background black.
Always when I think about this drawing it makes me happy, because I kneow, that my boyfriend was very glad about it.:)
Freedom by Sander
What I think makes us happy, is freedom. Whether you like drawing, making music, practising a sport: as long as you have the freedom to do it, it'll make you happy for sure.
In this drawing, I tried to symbolize freedom with nature: no boundaries, limits, restrictions etc. etc. The simple clothing implies you don't nessecarily need expensive luxury to be happy. Can't come up with an explanation for neon-like glowing hair though |
Aglow With Happiness by Lisa
What makes people happy? Peace! Power! Prosperity! Success! Freedom! But most of all: Love! No matter if it’s the love between lovers, between a father and his son or the love between friends. Being in love and being loved belong to the greatest feelings ever and thinking about it lets your eyes sparkle and makes you smile, just like Mariah does in my drawing… |
Sunflower by Berenice
Sunflowers. Something growing.
It´s just an image I´ve always asociated with warmth and happiness. |
My dog always makes me smile!! : )
The return of the butterflies by Maritza
This picture is named 'Litha' after the summer solstice, and each element within it corresponds to some elements of my life: the darkness that frames the main image represents the despair and hopelessness that I feel in the face of oppression; the girl represents me; and the butterfly represents faith and hope of freedom. The butterfly glows because hope is radiant and, in most cases, hope is the solitary star that guides us through our dark times. It also outshines the three moons (the past, present, and future fates) because I believe that faith is more powerful than fate. |
Life by Karina
Most people should be happy to just be alive.
Life is a thing that only comes once,and you should just live everyday to the fullest,i see it as if something bad happens to you just move on,because there will always be something better after that.haha this sounds so cheesy but its true. |
Note: If your entry is not here I most likly didn't receive it. I get a lot of emails, which could be why I didn't see yours or your mail could have been caught in my spamfilter. |
I will announce the winner of the Happy Competition Sunday, 12th of August.

This one mainly goes out to you talented people who do such nice things with my drawings (already).
Since I don’t do computer art very well my E-card creations are always very simple and plain. I have seen so much great colouring and beautiful blends with my drawings sent in by you, which really impresses me. That’s actually my inspiration for making this little competition, making e-cards/greeting cards.
It’s simply about creating some sweet, lovely, special, sad, dark, cute e-cards using my drawings.
-You may do as many as you like. I will post all of them in a special area on my site.
- You may make gif files, with glitter and movement.
- Feel free to add text, colour, brushes - everything you please. There’s no limit really. Just be creative :)
-You decide the size of them, just not larger than 900 px wide.
I hope you find this one interesting, as I really love the blends, glittering, colouring etc you do with my work and I would love to add those to my e-card area which will be remade in the near future. hopefully with your great creations :)
June 1st.
Send your creations to zindy@zone.dk, with the subject E-card Competition.
1st place
– A special gift, which will remain a secret so far :)
+The winner will be posted on the index with your name and your website (if you have such one) for a month.
2nd place
– A couple of my favourite drawing pencils.
1st place goes to Jasmine with her beautiful;

2nd place goes to Debb for her lovely;

Thanks to all of you who participated, I really loved seing your submissions.

Since the day of love - Valentine's Day is coming up, I would like to do a little love competition.
I'd basically like for you to send your photos in. It should be photos with you and your love. Could be a kissing pose, a hugging pose.. anything sweet and cute and with the spirit of love.
I am not sure what I will do with the photo yet, depending on which
type of photos you will send in. It will most likely be a fantasy/dreamy drawing I will create, based on one of your photos. Please keep that in mind when you send in your photo.
Send in your photos to zindy@zone.dk, before March 28th.
When I have received all your photos and posted them I will choose my favourite and do a drawing.
You will receive a print of the drawing once it's done.
Looking forward seeing your entries.
Drawing in progress:


I really like this picture, it has something special and is perfect for a drawing.
I will post the drawing when it's done.
Thanks to all of you for participating, your photos were sweet.
I hope you stay happy.
*Has ended*

Since Christmas is not far away I thought it would be nice to make a little Christmas competition to put us in the mood of Christmas.
This is a bit similar to the fanart competition. The competition is about making a nice wallpaper with the theme of Christmas, using my drawings.
I wish for the wallpaper to have a nice cosy mood with a touch of Christmas.
You may use any of the drawings on my site, you can use more than one if you want. Please only use my drawings and not artwork made by others, as those are copyrighted to them. You are welcome to use brushes, in any kind as for example snow, stars and such. You are also welcome to add colours to my drawings. Basically do whatever you feel like, there are no limits really.
The wallpaper should be 1152x864 px (1024x768 px is acceptable also).
The competition ends December 15th and the winner wallpaper will be displayed on my indexsite along with your name. I will also use it as my desktop the rest of December :)
Since it’s Christmas time I will give the winner a gift, which will be a free print by choice from my PrintShop, size 8x11”(21x29,7cm). The print will be shipped to you before Christmas, so you could use it as a Christmas present if you wish.
I hope you like this new competition and want to participate. I very much look forward seeing your entries.
Your wallpaper should be sent to my email at zindy@zone.dk, please write Christmas Competition as subject.
The Winner:
I really liked all your submissions, very sweet and creative. Thanks to all of you that participated.
I have chosen this wallpaper:

I really like the mood in it and the colours, just something about it I find sweet and happy :)
Jeanine with the print she chose:
