Can you find all the hidden Cats, Moons and Pumkins?
The correct answers of the Halloween Game are:
6 Cats
6 Moons and
7 Pumpkins
The winner of the Autumn Gift Pack is:
Rikke Reiersen
A bunch of Black cats, Cute moons and Smiling pumkins have been hidden somewhere around my website.
Can you find them all?
They are only located in the following areas/pages:
Drawings + the drawing galleries (ACEO, fantasy etc)
When you think you have found all of them mail the amount you've found of each to
Out of all the correct answers 1 will be chosen and win a special Halloween gift from the
ZindyZone Shop
Exclusive for all taggers:
When you write me with the correct answer you will receive a little tube pack with cat, moon and pumpkin + the new free tube Waiting for daddy which won't be officially out and available untill November 1st.
Last day to bring in the halloween cats, pumpkins and moon are November 1st.
Happy Halloween!:)