- Strength -
October is the international breast cancer awareness month.
It's something I like to support as it's an awful and unfair disease. It hits so many women and a lot of the time you are helpless against it.
I believe putting focus on it and helping out collecting money for research we can make a difference, even if it's small.
My drawing this year is called Strength and represents the strength you need to find in yourself when battling cancer even when you feel naked and vulnerable. I always picture this being one of the most frightening diseased to go through and there is never any guaranties. Even if you overcome it you never know if it returns. I have much respect for people going through this and being strong.
This drawing is especially dedicated to you.
This drawing means a lot to me. I originally intended to do this last year but ended up making Believe - last years BCA drawing, as I felt it was beautiful and maybe I wasn't meant to do this till this year.
I used the same model as I did last year, Lena, I love her natural look and expressions: >link<
Made with Caran D'ache Supracolour and Faber Castell colour pencils.
(21x29cm | 8x11")

*Please see more on how you can support the cause here*