- Handle with care -
Please handle it with care, it's been through so much...
This drawing is supposed to symbolise how you go through things in life. Sometimes your heart is breaking.
Breaking because the people you care about let you down. Breaking because you can't love the ones that love you. Makes it weaker, makes it stronger. Sometimes it feels like you are carrying your heart outside in thin strings though you try to hide it.
I think it's something which apply to anyone, who has lost a friend, love.. anything you hold dear, anyone who has reached your heart in some way.
Personally this is one of my favourite drawings. It's one of these I will remember the time doing. It's not that my heart is particularly vulnerable at the time, cause I am quite happy where I am. I've just been thinking lately about the people who have been in my life, how a few of them have a place in my heart. Some for good things, some for bad things. It all shapes you in a way and give you knowledge. Sometimes you feel so strong, sometimes you feel so weak.
I did the drawing with Supracolour colour pencils, which are my absolute favourite pencils. They have the perfect softness and the colours you can get are really great and natural. I got some new paper last week from a supermarket which is probably the best I ever had for colour pencils. It's definitely inspired me to do some more colour work.
A big thanks to Lena for her reference, which I based my drawing on: >link< She's quite beautiful and will be used in a few more of my drawings.
I am very happy with how her expression turned out as well as her features. I used much time choosing the right colours and getting them to look natural, with a bit of warmth in her skin.
(29,7x21cm | 11x8")