- Jessica Alba -
As I was preparing to put up this drawing I realised this is my 50th portrait of Jessica since 2002. I do not draw her as much anymore, not as much as I used to. It's interesting to go through my old portraits of her and see how it's changed. I feel like this is one of my best Jessica drawings. I feel happy with how her nose turned out, her eyes - they got a bit of that slightly sad/worried look which is what I used to love so much about her. I also feel happy with how the lips turned out, teeth can be a bit hard to get just right at times.
Funny thing is, I didn't mean to draw her or this particular one but I found this old piece of paper I had printed out with her on it and felt like I should try it out and I am happy I did, since it turned out to be one of my favourites of her.
Made with soft charcoal.
(21x29 cm | 8x11")