- Little Ones -

Finally I took some time off and visited my family, after some very busy months. Some of you might remember the red cat I showed a photo of back in May, you can see it here: >link<
She was pregnant at the time and had her little kittens. They are rather big now but still fluffy and super cute. I was finally able to get close to two of them and take a few photos. It was very hard thought as they are very shy and nervous, considering they are wild cats (Some neightbours left their mom when they moved away from the area, and now my mom takes care of her). I was even able to cuddle one of them a bit, the one to the left. They are truly adorable. This was one of the better shots. They are taken under some trees and I didn’t pay attention to light and such. This is not an artistic shot, I just wanted you to see the little ones as I said I would take some photos when I had the chance.
She also has a white kitten with a little red spots on, she looks a lot like her mom, I am hoping to be able to take a few photos of her too when she decides to come out.
The dad is almost completely black with a bit white near the forehead and legs. I think it’s so cute how they are a total mix of everything.

Taken with my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70, which I completely love.

Little Ones
© Zindy S. D. Nielsen