- Me and my bunny -
My first Marker drawing.
Last night I got the weird idea to try out my boyfriend's (copic) markers as I was doing some line-art and thought; "I might as well"...
So I did and it was so much fun. It's strange because normally the drawing up of the lines is the least time consuming thing but with this type of art I feel it almost takes longer to do the line up as the lines need to be very drawn up and smooth. Didn't succeed completely but I figure if you do this type of art a lot you feel more secure and calm when doing the lineup and the result will eventually become better.
I didn't have a lot of colours to use; pink, red, warm and cold gray + 2 skin tones, which in my opinion are too orange. I like it more neutral but I think if I decide to invest in my own markers I can get some more neutral tones for the skin. I guess it's just a matter of taste. Oh and that is also why the eyes are lavender as I had no blue to use.
I'm very exited about this, it's like discovering a completely new perfect charcoal type - Only this is so different from what I have done before, technique wise.
Copic Markers on Marker paper.
(11x8" | 29.7x21cm)

© Zindy S. D. Nielsen