Drawings > Manga & Cartoons >
Manga & Cartoons:


Please respect the copyright and do not re-draw my drawings.
They are very personal to me and are not to be re-created.
Read more about the copyright here.

// Put this at the bottom of the page (after the last AdSense block) function adsense_click() { if(window.status.indexOf('go to') == 0) { urchinTracker ('/AdSenseClick'); } } var elements; if(document.getElementsByTagName) { elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME"); } else if (document.body.all) { elements = document.body.all.tags("IFRAME"); } else { elements = Array(); } for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if(elements[i].src.indexOf('googlesyndication.com') > -1) { elements[i].onfocus = adsense_click; } }