- You are what you eat? -
I am not sure how to put the right words to this drawing.
I got the idea when I was out running near the lake. Seem to get a lot of my ideas when I am out running these days.
When I was little we had these posters in our school with food running towards a goal. The bad unhealthy food would finish last, or not finish at all... while the vegetables, the healthy food would smile and be first over line. For some reason it came to my mind on this particular run and I got this weird idea in my head.
You are what you eat.. if that’s the case, will eating beauty make me beautiful?

I really couldn’t decide if I wanted to do it in colour or pen so it ended up in pen. I am thinking of making a coloured version as well, not sure yet.

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You are what you eat?
© Zindy S. D. Nielsen