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Good News

I have great news. I finally have a new home =) I managed to find a very nice and cosy flat, in Copenhagen, where I used to live, just a different area this time.
I so look forward moving in at the end of the month, can hardly wait. It’s such a nice place and I think life will be really good there.
I will post some pictures of the new home as soon as everything is settled.

I really really appreciate all the help I have gotten from you, the donations and commissions but also the sweet and supportive emails. You have all helped me more than you know.
So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You’ve definitely helped keep my spirit up in many ways. I am amazed of the kindness shown by you. It makes me feel really happy you care enough to help me out, though you only know me through my work.

Take care everyone and thank you again!




I really need your help. I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t really desperate. I recently lost my home, my dear apartment in the city I love, Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. I had the nicest little apartment, which I truly adored. 2 days before New Years Eve I found out the guy I was renting it from fooled me and never paid the rent, he just took the money I gave him for rent and spent it on something else. So there I was, homeless… A perfect way to start the New Year.

I really need to get some money to get a new place. Since I am really broke and I most likely won’t get my deposit back, since he’s such an evil person, I will have to fight for it for some time. If I am lucky I will get my money back eventually, but it will take a long time.

Selling original drawings
I have decided to sell some of my originals. I am very attached to most of my drawings, but I trust you will take good care of them.
Here are some of the drawings for sale:

See more drawings for sale here ---> Show gallery

If you are interested in a drawing that is not there feel free to drop me an email and we can talk about it.

Order Portrait
I offer to do portraits of people. You can see my prices etc here:
Order Drawing
Note: This month I will take 10 % off the price on 21x29cm/8x11” portraits in coal (portrait type 3).

If you have any questions regarding having a portrait done feel free to ask.
Email: zindy@zone.dk
I can also do a fantasy style drawing for you, such as drawing you as a fairy/angel or add some kind of fantasy touch to your portrait. We can talk about this through email if you’d like.
You can pay through Paypal, banks transfer og cheque.
You will find all the information here.

I also have my print shop which some of you might have seen already.

I would be forever grateful if you want to order a portrait, buy a print of buy one of my originals. Anything. It would help me so much.


If you feel like donating I'd appreciate it lots also: