- Night Magic -
This is a drawing I have been working on for some time. I wasn't quite sure where I was going when I started it, I just knew I wanted to use this lovely girl as model for a drawing: >link< I wanted to keep it in a magic team, though realistic at the same time. I chose to add a few dragonflies, as oppose to butterflies which always is my first choice when drawing because I simply love them.
I worked a lot on getting the right expression to show. I like the position of the right hand. She looks as if she is in a search of something yet she has peacefulness about her. The folds of her cloth also took quite some time to create.
I was picturing her sitting around the time of day where darkness is beginning to fall. You know that certain mood at the beginning of the late night when the sky is changing and becoming darker. I think there is a special feel about it.
Made with graphite pencils 2B-6B.
(30x40cm | 12x16")