I finally decided how to do this drawing. I had been thinking a lot about whether to keep it simple or to make it with a background and such. I had actually begun making a cloudy background but somehow I felt it was too much, that I had to keep it more clean and simple as I had in mind to begin with. So here it is. I feel really happy with this one also as I think I got the right expression to show that I wished for.
I wanted the mood in the drawing to be a magical, mesmerizing one. The feeling you get when you meet something fascinating, whether it be a person, a thing, a feeling.
The girl on my drawing is a girl I found by accident at Deviantart;
I just fell in love with her face and expression and wanted to use her for my drawing.
Made with a HB and 2B pencil
Bigger Version
(40x40cm | 16x16”)