This drawing I did for a special occasion, to support the fight against cancer. At the art community Deviantart there's been a big compain against breast cancer the past many weeks. I've been wanting to do something as well, as I truly think it's an important thing to support. Too many people are victims of this awful desease.
Therefore I will auction Hope away and donate all the money to breast cancer research, here in Denmark.
You can read more about how to take part in this auction here. If you are not a member of DA and still want to participate, write me an email with your bid and I will add it. You'll need to check DA to follow the auction though as this is where I will update the biddings.
Please read the how to and rules on my DA journal as well.
Made with soft pastels and graphite pencils, HB, B and 3B.
With every print you buy of this drawing I will donate half the money to cancer research as well.

(29,7x21cm | 16x12”)