This drawing was a long time project. I wish I had finished it much sooner as it's quite special to me. I started it September 06. It reminds me of a time where I was carefree, that little glimpse of happiness I felt in 2006, which sadly was way too short. I made it while having my sweet friend Helena, from Germany for a visit. It was a time filled with joy and I was in love with a great guy. This drawing stands for this feeling of being free and happy. Not to say I am not alright now, cause I am, my life has just been too dramatic the past 1,5 year. But I am finally getting peace and feeling happy again.
It's based on a photo (link), but I changed it completely as I only wished to use the position of the girl not her looks. Some say it looks like Kristik Kreuk, I might have done that unconsciously as I did draw her quite a bit at the time + I find her adorable. Also it's one of the fist drawings using green. It's always been an awful colour to me but I am starting to really like it. It adds something really calming and natural to a drawing, depending on the idea and motive of course.
Overall I feel satisfied with this drawing, it learned a lot through the process.
This drawing is dedicated it to my girl, Helena. I miss you <3
Made with colour pencils.
Bigger Version
(40x30cm | 16x12”)