This is a drawing I started about 3 weeks back, in early December. I really fell for the emotions showed in the latest submissions of Faestock, I love creating artwork based on her emotional face. This is one of the finished one, I have more in the same serie to come.
She has these bold beautiful features which are wonderful to portray. I gave my girl blonde hair and brown eyes as I have been wanting to do this combination for a while now. I feel quite happy with the outcome of this one. I wanted the slight frustration to show, without it being overdone or too sad. Like these small mistakes you do in life which is not lifechanging but still makes you feel a bit bad.
I had my doubts about the background. The obvious choice would be to do a grey darker background but I felt I wanted to do a light blue one instead to lift up the mood of the drawing. I am not sure if it would have been more suitable with a dark one but somehow when I look at the drawing I feel like this is how it should be, fitting or not.
A big thanks to Jessica for a beautiful face: link.
Made with soft pastels.