I wanted to create a sweet looking girl with attitude and a slightly sexy look without over doing it. At the same time I was forcing myself to go very contrasted and deep in colour, which is one of my weak spots when using colour pencils. I feel very good about this drawing, as I think I got the expression I wished for + I learned a lot when it comes to the skin colours. I was trying some unusual colours for me, which seemed to work out alright. I had a base picture for her pose but I changed everything about it, facial features, hair and her clothing. I love creating outfits for my girls, I think it’s really interesting, especially if I could create these in real life and actually use them.
I wanted to do the style as with Mandie, it's a very good exercise for me to do these sweet/sexy girls in colours, both with the tones and with anatomy. I am sure there will be a few more in the series.
Made with my supracolour colour pencils.
(30x40cm | 12x16”)