This drawing I did based on the same model as on Fair Beauty. I fell for this photo to begin with: >link< as it's just so intense and those eyes of hers are so captivating and kind of haunting to me.
I added the silver hearts to fit the idea of a haunted (broken) heart.
While making the hearts I came to think of these broken necklaces in the 90s you could share with friends and your boyfriend. I really liked them back then, they were sweet. I only shared this heart with one person, my paypal from Ghana(Accra) named Victor. I was 12-13 and back then we thought one day we would meet. We wrote so many letters. Sadly one day he was gone, I'm afraid he died as there were a lot of disturbances in the area he lived at the time.
Back then I had a very different sight on what my life would be and how love would be. I always thought I would grow up with my one and only prince.. but then I realised love is much more complicated and involves a lot of hurt and betrayal.
I guess I have always pictured love as an 'escape', that it would be this ultimate beautiful thing to complete your life and chase all the bad things away. I think part of me still do, it's hard to let go of fairytales.
Made with a soft charcoal.
(30x40 cm/12x16")