This was a little extra birthday gift for my mom I did last night. I couldn't sleep and felt like being a bit productive with all these days sick in bed. He's done with a fever and a bad headache, obviosuly not my best work but I am still happy with it and I hope my mom will be too. Shorter haired cats I find the hardest to make look real as you can't give them the same smoothness and you have to add many many straws.
The kitten is a newcomer to the bunch, someone left him almost outside their house, way too little to get seperated from his mom. Obviously my mom took him in and he's now the little baby, he's a real kid messing with the older ones, it's quite adorable. He's also easy to cuddle with not to mention photograph, as he's not scared and nervous but rather curious.
Made with soft charcoal on Winsor&Newton sketching drawing paper.
(21x29cm | 8x11")