Index > Supernatural Give-Away >

*Has ended*

Supernatural give-away

As Supernatural is one of my favourite shows I thought I would have a little print give-away. This is an exclusive print as I do not sell these from my shop. If you are a fan of either Jared of Jensen you now have the chance to get a unique print of one of them

All you need to do is write me an email. Tell me why you like Jared or Jensen and/or Supernatural and why you would like the print.
Please include your name and where you come from.
I will be giving away 1 signed print of each of the drawings.

Email me at:
Subject: Supernatural give-away
It’s important you remember this as I might not see your email otherwise.
Due to the amount of mails I get I will not be able to answer all individualy.

1st of May 2009

The winners will be announced shortly after.

The drawings you can win a print of are the following:

Sam and Dean


I have received all your entries and will make my decision the next couple of days. Winners will be announced here.

With competitions like this it's always hard because all emails have something special, either sweet, funny or tragic.
I received a lot and it took me some time to go though them, thus the wait.
Thanks to all who took your time to write some deep and interesting mails.
In the end I had to make my decision, which came down to the following.

The Jared print:
Christina Robinson, UK

The Jensen print:
Charlotte Gray, UK

I hope you will be happy with them!:)